Sometimes I crave Chinese food.
My local Chinese take-out restaurant sends flyers in the mail and always includes a menu/advertisement in the bag with the food.
See if you can find what I think is so hysterical about the above flyer.
I will give you a hint...
Don't Date Yourself!
If you look closely at the middle of the flyer in the yellow box; Andy's proudly proclaims "Best Take-Out in Bay Area by Bay Guardian, July 29, 1998."
That's almost 12 years ago!
If you haven't been voted the best in over 10 years, then perhaps you are no longer the best.
I'm just sayin'.
I will continue to eat at your restaurant, but maybe its time to update the literature.
The Song Of The Day - The Best by Tina Turner
Maybe...just maybe...they have been the "BEST" take-out SINCE 1998!
They should be so lucky!